Article archive


15/10/2013 19:33
A beautifull diamond may seem like it has bin perfect from the begining but the truth tells the difrence. A diamond that is in it's perfect state had a little help to get this shape. in the begining i looks like an ordinairy rock with a difrent collor. But as the years pass by the rain, sand and...

Don't pretend!

06/10/2013 10:45
Hey! ever feel like you find the real you not good enough? and start to make up a whole new you?.... then you find this new you much better cause you have everything you didn't have before... Well let me warn you.. one day you'll findout the things you have are all fake and you wish you never had...

Life can suck! but don't giff up!

02/10/2013 17:05
Sometimes life get's hard. Don't let the bad things in life bring you down. keep on trying untill faith is uppon you again. sometimes it takes a littile longer than you hope for. But if you keep on being strong life is worth it in the end and you wouldn't wish for any other life!

Why do we like Cats?

01/10/2013 17:09
Hey everyone! yes thats right tday i wil blog about why we "probebly" like cats so much. if you dont like them.. wel dont worry there is nothing wrong with that.. cause it is totaly understandeble :P the can be picky enoying and nasty... and most of all inpredicteble... that is for most people the...

Why have i made this website?

30/09/2013 17:04
Hey guys! I'm Miss AC or AC however you like to say it. I started this blog hoping that I can help people with some problems. Problems like: what am I supose to do, how should I do this or why is this happening to me and lots of moere like this day to day problems. Some people want help but are...
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