Hallo, ik heb voor 3 weken een oppas nodig voor onze kat.
Is dit hetzelfde persoon die het vorig jaar voor me gedaan heeft? Op de Spitsaak???
cat sitting
Date: 13/02/2016 | By: Ellen Vermeulen
nice website
Date: 01/10/2013 | By: Stijn
I hope your website is done soon, but if you really want a cute picture. https://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/5031157/frog-shelters-from-the-rain-using-a-leaf-as-an-umbrella.html
Re: nice website
Date: 02/10/2013 | By: Miss AC
hey stijn!
thanks for the complement :) i apretiate that vary much.
and for as far the picture.. i checkt it out and it is a fun and cute one at the same time so it is in the photogalery now.
thanks again and check it everyday for any other tips segestions or reactions ^^.
and dont forget to pass the word ;)
How to leave a message.
Date: 30/09/2013 | By: Miss AC
hei everyone!
if you are on this page i asume you want to leave a message behind on the website. i hope atleast.
just leave your name or A name in the first field. have you done that?
good now go to the other smaler field and tupe what ever the subject is about. like: dogs, cats, love problem, homework... it doesn't matter what you want to write about.
hav you done that? then go to the big empty field...
are you there? great.
now al you have to do is typ what ever you want to say. I'll read it anyway!
are you finished? then you push the SEND button.
i look forward to your reactions and questions